Letters to Politicians and others
Submitted by climaterealists on Thu, 04/02/2010 - 10:31
Submitted by climaterealists on Thu, 04/02/2010 - 10:23
Submitted by climaterealists on Tue, 19/01/2010 - 11:41
I have met you both, Mr Smith at Elmwood School over the foreshore debate some years ago where I said the foreshore belonged to all of us and Mr Key at a dinner at Russely Golf Course where I presented you with a BBC video to show global warming was a scam. It still is and that fact is becoming more apparent everyday. The earth has stopped warming and is cooling because the sunspot activity has reduced and we look like being at the start of a 30 year mini ice age. The sea levels are near static and the rate of cataclysmic weather events has reduced. CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with climate change, cooling or warming; it is all caused by the sun; beyond our control.
Submitted by climaterealists on Fri, 15/01/2010 - 15:33
For God's sake wake up!
I see you continue to push the Climate Change barrow which means you are determined to see all New Zealanders taxed to hell and having to pay through the nose for everything on the basis of very very shonky evidence from liars like Al Gore, Ban ki Moon et al.
Submitted by climaterealists on Wed, 13/01/2010 - 12:21
Submitted by climaterealists on Wed, 13/01/2010 - 12:20
So Nick a hacker has finally done the World a service by exposing the lies and subterfuge that lie behind the IPCC, Greenpeace, Al Gore et al's BS on climate change.
Take heed and do not proceed with the foolishness of the ETS! You will consign New Zealand's economy and the National party to the Dustbin of history if you do not think again.
Submitted by climaterealists on Wed, 13/01/2010 - 12:19
For me it beggars belief that an intelligent, well educated man such as you can believe that mankind is causing the Worlds climate to change.
Submitted by climaterealists on Tue, 05/01/2010 - 11:22
Climate change: proposed personal briefing
1 January 2010
The Honourable Mr. Kevin Rudd,
Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Australia.
Prime Minister,
Climate change: proposed personal briefing
Your speech on 6 November 2009 to the Lowy Institute, in which you publicly expressed some concern at my approach to the climate question, has prompted several leading Australian citizens to invite me come on tour to explain myself in a series of lectures in Australia later this month. I am writing to offer personal briefings on why “global warming” is a non-problem to you and other party leaders during my visit. For convenience, I am copying this letter to them, and to the Press.
Submitted by climaterealists on Sat, 26/12/2009 - 18:47
Dear Prime Minister,
I am writing to respectfully request that you step in to delay the passing of the Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Bill.
In addition, in order to prevent Labour’s existing emissions trading scheme (ETS) from taking effect from January 1st 2010, I further request that you take up ACT’s offer of support and pass an amendment to the existing legislation to delay the commencement date until at least 2011.
Prime Minister, the reason for making these requests is to prevent you and your party from making what many believe is a serious mistake. As political commentator Matthew Hooton warned, “The government is heading towards its first major train wreck as it negotiates with iwi players in a last-ditch effort to secure Maori party support to ram through its harebrained emissions trading scheme (ETS). Only intervention by the Prime Minister … will prevent it.”[1]
Submitted by climaterealists on Sat, 26/12/2009 - 18:43
“I can assure you that the government has investigated the evidence on the science of climate change from a number of different sources and I can appreciate that there are many different perspectives on the matter. However, the government is convinced that climate change is a serious and legitimate issue and that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides the most reliable information on climate change science. In its most recent assessment, the IPCC states that the evidence for climate change is unequivocal, that humankind’s emissions are very likely the cause of these changes and that, unless action is taken to reduce emissions, dangerous changes in the climate system will result.”
- Hon Nick Smith, Minister for Climate Change Issues.
Dear Minister,
It is very clear that you have been able to convince the Prime Minister and your Caucus colleagues that the evidence for human induced catastrophic climate change presented by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is irrefutable. On behalf of those New Zealanders who despair at your actions - given the economic damage your emissions trading scheme (ETS) is going to cause to Kiwi families and small businesses - I would like to ask you to justify your stance by responding to the issues raised in this open letter.