The Evidence Against Human Causation in Global Warming


Chris Towsey, MSc(Syd) BSc (Hons) Dip Ed FAusIMM


The following data does not fit the assumption that human activities result in global

warming. It follows then that the assumption that anthropogenic CO

warming is fundamentally flawed.

2 causes global

the earth long before human activity was significant. Global warming is a

naturally occurring event. Attempting to interfere in this process may have

unpredictable consequences

Ice core data shows that there have been repeated heating and cooling events on

dramatically. The Earth should have warmed if CO

consumption is a cause of global warming. The theory does not fit the data.

The Earth cooled between 1940 and 1975 while fossil fuel consumption rose2 emissions from fossil fuel

of data is necessary to negate a theory.

Ignoring data that does not fit a theory is poor science. Only one inconsistent piece

warming, but will make energy dramatically more expensive to the consumer.

Reducing CO2 emissions and introducing carbon trading will not prevent global


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