
Has the Farmers' Party now become the Foresters' Party?

by Ken Shock

There is something I never see discussed, and that is mono-culture. New Zealand's principal timber source, and the plantings this government is now subsidizing - is Radiata Pine. This tree has been selectively bred, and perhaps genetically engineered in New Zealand, derived from the Monterrey Pine native to the California Coast.
Some years ago, when it still existed, I was an investor in Fletcher Forests. In their reports to shareholders they described the mass production of these pines, being planted all over New Zealand. The trees are cloned and are therefore not just a mono-culture, but they are BIO-IDENTICAL !!  This is a recipe for disaster, you get the right pest coming to these shores and the whole lot could be wiped out in a few years.

Nick, nobody has an ETS like ours

Climate Conversation Group

by Richard Treadgold 28 April 2010

In the Parliament today, Chris Auchinvole asked Nick Smith (Minister for Climate Change): “Are claims correct that New Zealand is the first in the world to have an emissions trading scheme, and that it is just a tax for revenue purposes?”

And thus did Nick reply:

No, 38 countries have commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, and 29 of them, or three-quarters, already have an emissions trading scheme. Nor is the scheme a tax. Although consumers and businesses will pay $350 million in the first year of the scheme for their emissions, foresters will receive $1,100 million in carbon credits for post-1989 forests. Far from providing net revenue to the Government, the scheme is actually a cost to the Crown. There are 12,000 New Zealanders who, in good faith, planted trees on the assurances of both National and Labour Governments that they would receive carbon credits for those post-1989 forests. The emissions trading scheme honours that commitment.

But the facts are different from those presented by our Nick.


The words of John Key 10 May 2005!!!

Hansard Volume 625 p20394

Climate Change Response Amendment Bill

JOHN KEY (National—Helensville)  : I rise on behalf of the National
Party to give the good news to the people of New Zealand—that is, the
Climate Change Response Amendment Bill is a load of rubbish and the
National Party will not be supporting it, for very, very good reasons

I want to start off with a broad-ranging discussion, if I may, around
the Kyoto Protocol and the absolutely nonsensical road that this
Government is taking New Zealand down. I know we have a Prime Minister
who is very confident, and all the rest of it, but maybe she would
like to step out of her office on the 9th floor and realise which
planet she is on. She is on the same planet, she may be surprised to
learn, as India, China—

Hon Ken Shirley: And Mugabe.

The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud  28 April 2010

Cap-And-Trade: While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House.


Media release by the Major Electricity Users’ Group (MEUG)

Review of ETS timing is needed  

“The announcement yesterday by the Australian Government of a significant delay to an ETS in Australia is a game-changing event that will impact every NZ householder and business” said Ralph Matthes, Executive Director of the Major Electricity Users’ Group (MEUG).

“To continue implementing the NZ ETS as if nothing has happened is simply putting ones head in the sand.  Government needs to assess the situation now and not wait to review the situation next year.

“MEUG notes as a result of the Australian decision, NZ households and businesses will from 1st July this year be paying approximately $240m per annum more for their electricity because of the NZ ETS than Australian households and businesses.

To the National Caucus from Barry Brill (Chairman, NZCSC) 27 April 2010

Dear Nikki

Will Shakespeare said:

"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat.
And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures."

The tide of anthropogenic global warming is ebbing - fast. The ETS tax was rushed through in December when the tide was still flowing. Only days later, at Copenhagen, it turned.

Now people began to hear the criticisms. Climategate and doctored figures..the many flaws in the IPCC.. no warming this century.. missing heat and data.. money scams and carbon frauds.. NIWAgate in NZ.


To John Key from Alan Nic.... April 2010

I'd like to add my voice to those calling on the ETS to be scrapped or at 
least deferred until Australia makes a decision to go ahead.

Please don't refer me to Nick Smith for any sensible response as I believe he 
is either too arrogant or proud to admit his mistake and backtrack on this 
stupid piece of legislation

It is my view that the scheme is flawed and for New Zealand to AGAIN be a 
leader in expensive unproven projects smacks of the old Labour Government 


Stop Misleading The Public, Dr Smith

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Friday, April 30 2010.

ACT New Zealand Climate Change Spokesman John Boscawen today demanded Climate Change Issues Minister Dr Nick Smith stop his misleading, contradictory and inconsistent justifications for the New Zealand ETS and be honest to New Zealanders about the financial burden he insists on imposing on the country.

It is impossible to have any confidence in Dr Smith as Minister - he's in denial about the futility of the ETS; scrambling to justify a scheme that, while making no difference to the world climate, will come at a huge cost to our economy," Mr Boscawen said.

"Minister Smith has regularly played politics and made misleading statements.  For example:  Nick Smith said the ETS isn't a tax because foresters receive credits.  Fact: for practical purposes the ETS is a tax on our economy, subsidies to foresters notwithstanding.

Dr Smith Confuses EU With New Zealand On ETS

John Boscawen MP, ACT New Zealand
Werdnesday, April 28 2010.

Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith’s claim that 29 individual countries have implemented an ETS is flawed at best – Dr Smith is confusing an ETS across an entire trading bloc with one that affects an individual country, ACT New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Spokesman John Boscawen said today.

“The European Union ETS increases costs across an entire bloc of countries – putting them all at an equal disadvantage.  New Zealand, however, will be disadvantaged by having an ETS when none of our major trading partners have similar schemes,” Mr Boscawen said.

“Another important difference is that the European ETS excludes petrol – and when France tried to include petrol with a carbon tax earlier this year, Present Sarkozy abandoned the move after suffering huge losses at regional elections.

“It must also be remembered that the EU ETS has been structured in such a way that there have been massive exemptions and allowances so it doesn’t apply to large parts of the European economy.

Arctic warming likely to reverse - scientist

Rianovosti 27 April 2010

Warming in the Arctic is likely to turn into cold and further records of the minimum amount of drift ice in the area will not be set, the head of a Russian Arctic expedition said on Tuesday.

"I think the repetition of this event is next to impossible...There are hints that the trend has changed its direction," Vladimir Sokolov said, referring to the recent forecast of global Arctic warming.

The scientist said the outlook from drifting stations showed that ice coverage had grown; the temperatures had become colder in winter while precipitation in summer had decreased.

In 2007, scientists observed the unique situation when drift ice in the area of the Arctic Ocean reached a record-breaking minimum.

Sokolov said the forecasts predicting the future



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