Home Page

Climate Realists' Network

was formed in July 2009. 

We link to many other like-minded groups throughout New Zealand.

Our website contains a number of relevant articles of interest; however anyone wanting to explore the issue of climate on a much deeper level is encouraged to check out our LINKS page which provides a broad range of websites with endless hours of reading to suit any taste.


Our aim is to:

  • counter the misinformation being presented in the general media about imminent catastrophe caused by man-made global warming
  • pass on pertinent websites and climate change information
  • keep in contact regarding political developments and any possible action necessary on our part
  • raise awareness of the political manoeuvrings regarding climate change and the  Emissions Trading Scheme in New Zealand
  • keep people informed of any relevant meetings and events


Regarding Climate Change, our position is that:
  • The climate has changed in the past, as can be seen from both the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age in recent climate history.
  • It is perfectly reasonable to believe there will be continuing fluctuations in the climate.
  • The sensible approach in the face of a changing climate is to adapt our technologies and practices to suit rather than attempting to change the impossible.
Regarding New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme, our position is that:
  • we believe mankind's production of 'greenhouse gases' has a minimal effect on the world's climate.
  • the cost of an ETS is unsustainable in the long term.
  • the introduction of an ETS in New Zealand may attempt to make us look good to our export markets but it will have no effect whatsoever on the climate.
“There is no scientific answer to this question of what our target should be.
For New Zealand is a small emitter by world standards –
only emitting some 0.2% of global greenhouse gases.
So anything we do as a nation will in itself have little impact on the climate
– our impact will be symbolic, moral and political.”
The Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman


Books, Bumper Stickers for sale

"Air Con" by Ian Wishart- $18 incl P&P

"Heaven and Earth" by Ian Plimer- $18 incl P&P

Bumper stickers for sale $2.00 each - click here to order





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