Climate Realists Newsletter 14, 2013

Newsletter Number 14, 2013


Table of Contents

Spanish Green Economy experience- reflections from a Climate Realist

Agenda- Grinding America Down

Taxpayer funded radical plan to make you pay more, use less, stay home. Joy!

Links from Sonya

If Greenpeace ever had any credibility, it certainly won’t have after this:

Hitting the nail on the head

The Royal Society meets Nigella's Dad

Five years ago......

Time to close the IPCC down

Lord Monckton wins a gong

Warsaw Statement- a warning

Human Interference real threat to Pacific Atolls.

Gisborne Herald- a selection of your responses

Christmas Special offer on Monckton dvds- new titles:

Wind farm Noise

Rodney Hide: Greens’ scary predictions fall flat

The Consensus Fractures, and it’s now all about Money and Power

Josh does a takeoff of the Sks Kidz – cool

Humour Spot

Spanish Green Economy experience- reflections from a Climate Realist



These are some of my thoughts gleaned from our walk/ride/drive on our 35 day ‘Camino Way Francis Walk/passage’ across over 800kms of Spain from St-Jean Pied-de-port in the Pyrennes in France to Santiago de Compostela.

As I walked across Northern Spain I became increasingly aware of the social, environmental & economic impact of the UN/EEC driven ‘green-based policies & practices’ that are a dominating presence to me across this whole region......

..... As we travelled across the country, observed the changing landscapes & conversed with many local residents, & local & foreign travellers we saw evidence constantly of heavy spending/investment in building wind-farms, solar energy panels, and planting vast plantations of trees as key projects.



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Agenda- Grinding America Down



Curtis Bowers, maker of the dvd ‘Agenda’ speaking at Green Bay Tea Party meeting- one hour sixteen minutes. It takes 10-15 minutes to get to Curtis’s speech but is interesting and worth the time.

 Those of you who have already seen ‘Agenda- Grinding America Down’  will find he gives and update and elaborates on his movie. Those who haven’t yet seen the dvd I strongly recommend it to you.

Warning to the non-religious- Curtis is a Christian, and unafraid to say things as he sees them. Listen through to the end regardless, it’s worth it.



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Taxpayer funded radical plan to make you pay more, use less, stay home. Joy!


If you have not already seen this, a reading might well convince you that eugenic and flat earth nuts running the CC line are still doing their best to take the world back to sack cloth and ashes. 


Unless my math is screwed,  an 8 % pa reduction in current energy use for 10 years = 43.4% of the present by 2023 and = Genocide, writ big.



Fighting climate change is like fighting World War II, but it’s more complex (seriously, they say that).

Laurence Delina and Dr. Mark Diesendorf, Institute of Environmental Studies, University of New South Wales

Presentation title: ‘Is wartime mobilisation a suitable policy model for rapid national climate mitigation?

Climate activists assert that rapid mitigation is feasible, invoking the scale and scope of wartime mobilisation strategies. This paper draws upon historical accounts of social, technological and economic restructurings in several countries during World War 2 in order to investigate potential applications of wartime experience to radical, rigorous and rapid climate mitigation strategies.

We focus on the energy sector, the biggest single contributor to global climate change, in developed and rapidly developing countries. We find that, while wartime experience suggests some potential strategies for rapid climate mitigation in the areas of finance and labour, it also has severe limitations, resulting from its lack of democratic processes.

Furthermore, since restructuring the existing socio-economic system to mitigate climate change is more complex than fighting a war and since the threat of climate change is less obvious to non-scientists, it is unlikely that the public will be unified in support of such executive action…

Who knew that a life and death battle against mass armies of killers, with a race to develop better radar, encryption codes, and nuclear weapons, was simpler than fighting a trace gas? Anyone get the feeling these academics don’t know a lot of history?...........



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Links from Sonya


Heaviest winter snowfall in Jerusalem since 1953  ---yet more of the Gore Effect!  

The heaviest winter snowstorm in December since 1953 hit Israel, including Jerusalem, Wednesday night and Thursday, prompting school closures and blocking access routes to the Israeli capital.

The stormy weather was expected to persist into the weekend, with snow reaching elevated areas as far south as the Negev Desert on Friday.

Snow began falling on Mount Hermon in the north. Snow is expected later in the week in areas of northern Israel and the Galilee, as well as in high elevations in central Israel.

The Jerusalem municipality sent out an alert that school studies in the capital were canceled. Courses at the Hebrew University campus on Mount Scopus were also called off for the day.

“Snow in Jerusalem is a cause for celebration for Jerusalemites and the many visitors who come to see the world’s most beautiful city painted white,” said Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat.“We hope the snow won’t disappoint, especially for Jerusalem’s excited children, who are looking forward to it.”.............


Honey, it’s cold outside!

The big news from Antarctica these days is the record low temperature of -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the coldest temperature ever recorded on the planet. What seems to be going unreported, is that on top of the record cold in Antarctica, the southern ice sheet is growing at a pace faster than Global Warming theories can account for.

Sea ice around the Antarctic averaged 17.16 million square kilometers (6.63 million square miles) in November. The long-term 1981 to 2010 average for November is 16.30 million square kilometers (6.29 million square miles). The arguments from the Climate Change camp all seem to be “no matter what happens, it is still evidence of Global Warming.”


see also:

Global Warming Feeling Going


and also:

Global Warming Iced by Coldest Days Ever


US temperature map


American Geophysical Union must set the record straight about extreme weather and climate change

Ottawa, Canada, December 10, 2013: "We invite the American Geophysical Union [AGU] to join with us in helping educate the public about extreme weather and climate change,” said Tom Harris, executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition. “For too long, the public, media, and government have been misled into believing that climate change is causing increased extreme weather.

At their massive Fall Meeting now taking place in San Francisco, the AGU should start a public education campaign aimed at revealing what science really says about this topic.”  


Hiding the decline

The phrase “hide the decline” became notorious during the “ClimateGate” e-mails scandal, when it became clear that scientists at the heart of the IPCC process and the global warming scare were dismayed to find that the real-world data failed to follow the theory. 

Temperatures went down when the alarmists thought they should be going up.  So they took counsel together as to how they should “hide the decline” (their phrase, not mine), in a deliberate attempt to mislead scientific and public opinion. 

They sought to achieve this through cobbling together two utterly unrelated and inconsistent data sets (recent observed temperatures and historic dendrochronological data).

It took some scientific and statistical detection work by Steve McKintyre and Ross McKitrick and others to demonstrate the scale of the deceit.

But the phrase could equally be applied to a more recent story on the performance of wind turbines.  Statistical data show an alarming fall-off in turbine output over ten to fifteen years.

A paper  by distinguished environmental economist Professor Gordon Hughes of Edinburgh University shows that in the UK, on-shore wind farm relative output (actual output as a percent of rated maximum) declined from an average 24% at the outset to 15% after ten years and 11% after fifteen years………….


Blaming the developed world for the forces of nature

Delegates at the recent U.N. climate conference in Warsaw decided that $1 billion a day, the amount currently being spent across the world on “climate finance,” is not enough. Far greater funding is needed to save the world from what U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls the “greatest threat facing humanity.” That climate science is highly immature and global warming actually stopped 17 years ago was never mentioned.

Here’s what our representatives just agreed to:

Starting in 2014, the U.N.'s Green Climate Fund, a plan to divert an additional $100 billion per year from the treasuries of developed countries to those of developing nations to help them “take action on climate change,” will commence operation..........


Britain’s £85 billion bill for climate policies and other gems from the GWPF

Climate-change policies are expected to cost Britain more than £80 billion by the end of the decade, as critics warn that the global-warming industry is spiralling out of control.

The full cost is contained in a study to be published [this week] by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a think tank founded by Lord Lawson, the former chancellor.

Its analysis puts the cost to the British public of climate- change policies at billion in the 10 years to 2021.

Benny Peiser, the foundation’s director, who compiled the report, said: “The public has absolutely no idea how staggeringly costly and excessive the Government’s climate initiatives are. Even we were shocked when we discovered the astronomical funding streams and added them up.”


No TricksZone- not here to worship what is known, but to question it.

This is about one of the most damning pieces on the European climate movement I’ve read all year, and that from Germany’s equivalent of the Washington Post. An atmosphere of resignation is truly sweeping through Germany’s climate movement. Flagship media are waking up…….

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If Greenpeace ever had any credibility, it certainly won’t have after this:


The kind of rubbish being promulgated by Greenpeace this Christmas is beyond a joke:


Greenpeace UK is soliciting donations to combat global warming with a video entitled “An Urgent Message From Santa.”

The video features a deeply depressed, creepy-looking Santa who claims that “melting ice” at the North Pole will force him to “cancel Christmas” unless world leaders act to stop global warming……..


Sonya, Esther

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Hitting the nail on the head

Let’s examine a few statements reflecting a vision thought to be beyond question. “The world that we live in is beautiful but fragile.” “The third rock from the sun is a fragile oasis.”

Here are a couple of Earth Day quotes: “Remember that Earth needs to be saved every single day.” “Remember the importance of taking care of our planet. It’s the only home we have!”

Such statements, along with apocalyptic predictions, are stock in trade for environmental extremists and non-extremists alike. Worse yet is the fact that this fragile-earth indoctrination is fed to our youth from kindergarten through college. Let’s examine just how fragile the earth is………

Let’s examine a few statements reflecting a vision thought to be beyond question. “The world that we live in is beautiful but fragile.” “The third rock from the sun is a fragile oasis.”

Here are a couple of Earth Day quotes: “Remember that Earth needs to be saved every single day.” “Remember the importance of taking care of our planet. It’s the only home we have!” Such statements, along with apocalyptic predictions, are stock in trade for environmental extremists and non-extremists alike.

 Worse yet is the fact that this fragile-earth indoctrination is fed to our youth from kindergarten through college. Let’s examine just how fragile the earth is.


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The Royal Society meets Nigella's Dad

This is an interesting account of the recent meeting between Lord Lawson and a group of fellows of the Royal Society (some of you may have already read Lawson's account of it in the Spectator).

As described, the event exemplifies the astonishing, continuing hubris of the academy-groups of scientists who have anointed themselves as the (exclusive) "world experts" on the matter of climate change. 


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Five years ago......

Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”.................



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Time to close the IPCC down

An article that assesses the latest propaganda video from the clowns at the IPCC has been posted at Quadrant Online:


I think I first called for the IPCC to be closed down around 2005, and was happy to see Nature belatedly editorialize in a similar way earlier this year - when they said that “the IPCC’s mega-assessments are out of date by the time they hit the streets” and “it is time to rethink the IPCC. The organization deserves thanks and respect from all who care about the principle of evidence-based policy-making, but the current report should be its last mega-assessment”


The trouble is that despite the IPCC lurching from one fiasco to another, the politicians are still not listening.



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Lord Monckton wins a gong

Lord Monckton's report on his recent trip to Colombia made me chuckle.

He gave various university lectures and rather interestingly addressed an anti-corruption department on a couple of occasions.

One lecture was to 200 army intelligence students. The subject of this was about spotting deception in areas other than those of their own particular field of study. How did he illustrate his lecture?.........why of course with the Hockey stick graph and attempts by the IPCC in the past to hide the medieval warming period. Were they impressed.....absolutely. At the end of the lecture he was presented with a gong,

The Army School of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Medal. I think that Lord M was quite chuffed. Fancy getting a medal for debunking the IPCC!! Now there's an idea.

Have fun


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Warsaw Statement- a warning


What I hope you will highlight in your next newsletter is how close NZ is to signing up to the UN  sponsored documents related to Agenda 21! I am referring to the Tim Groser. The NZ's national statement in Warsaw which I regards is the biggest cop-out/sellout to the citizens of NZ that I have ever read in all my life! He & his cronies should, in my humble opinion, be hung, drawn & quartered. The pity is 99.9% of NZ'ers I presume have no I idea of what Tim & his cronies have fawned us to live with into the near future if we sign up to his prized agreement by the end of 2015.

I would love to know ………. how it would be possible to have more NZ'ers read & understand the implications of what is proposed for this once independent & sovereign country. Why hasn't every NZ media publicised this scheme & given everyone  a chance to debate its contents! How many of our mps are familiar with this situation & are prepared to speak publicly on this crucial matter to the interests of us all.

In utter frustration,



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Human Interference real threat to Pacific Atolls.

Chris de Freitas in the NZ Herald- In case you missed it:


.... All remains well, provided humans don't intervene.

The digging up of an island's coral for use in construction work and the building of flush toilets that discharge the effluent into the sea where it affects coral alter nature's balance.

The environmental challenges of the Pacific atolls are diverse and sundry. They include depletion of near-shore fisheries, pollution of freshwater, soil degradation, population growth, reduction of biodiversity, damage of reef-water nursery habitats, waste management problems, and stressed natural resources related to tourism. The problems are often exacerbated by traditional approaches to land management, limited resources, small and fragile ecosystems and geographic isolation. Their relative poverty means there is a lack of adequate capacity for response………


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Gisborne Herald- a selection of your responses


Thank you to all those who took the initiative to contact the editor of the Gisborne Herald.

I suspect he has not published all your letters but I know for sure he has received them. Here’s hoping he has taken the point!



I am absolutely aghast at your proclamation that you will not in future publish letters which have (as you call it) a scepical view on Global Warming, As a long-term scientist who graduated in Chemistry and Geology from the University of Wales, Cardiff I have followed the developments in this area for over 50 years and would definitely put myself in the 'sceptics' camp with very solid scientific arguments to support my view. I would welcome the chance to debate these views publicly.

Not since the era of Hitler has any responsible person attempted to suppress the views of sensible contributors. Shame on you!

Simon Breeze



Dear Editor

So, is this because you are concerned that CO2 is warming up the world?

The wheels are falling off the gravy train of IPCC. They find it difficult to manipulate satellite data and it seems all computer models are useless and cant predict anything that is happening.

It is no longer "cool" to push global warming. It is not a happening thing, it is not happening at all. It is becoming clear that it is the biggest scam ever. 

I do not know anybody that believes in it all, - particularly in the business world where Main Report likes to be associated.

To blindly push this pseudo religion of global warming is a lost cause. In reality those that do make bigger and bigger fools of themselves as time and real science reveal the stupidity of it all.

Let’s just see where it all gets to in another 5 years.


Michael Davison



Dear Sir/Madam

First, it's your press and you are free to use it as you see fit.

I learned recently that you are now censoring, filtering out points you (or your directors?) don't like. Again, it's your press, you alone have the right to use it as you see fit—all others effectively supplicants.

But: in an ideal public forum all ideas would be aired with no censorship. Good ideas fly by themselves, bad ones are shot down; and it really is that simple.

Unfettered public forum is the best way to test ideas. Censorship of any kind is double-plus ungood—unsurprisingly it's always one of the first tools of choice utilised by people whose ideas otherwise might be dismissed.


John Hunter


Dear Sir,

    It has come to my notice that you have refused to publish any letters by climate realists and other sceptics on the subject of climate change.  

I must suggest to you that you do not have the right to do so if you wish to call yourself a journalist.  This is the kind of action one might expect from the "Third Reich", the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", Edy Amin's Uganda, Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and a variety of balkan states, and not something one is wont to associate with a so-called free society which prides itself upon having a Westminster-style parliamentary democracy in which every mortal, be he or she ever so humble' has a right to express his or her individual opinions without fear or prejudice, or the fear of muzzling - no matter how wrong they might be.   They should be allowed to speak for themselves.  

May I remind you that a journalist's role in society is not to mould public thinking but to act as a conduit for it so that various opinions may be heard and modify eachother until a concensus is achieved?  

In New Zealand, one has to look a long way before finding anyone who has not lost an ancestor, sibling, descendant, intimate associate or some significant 'other' to one of two world wars and a protracted 'cold' war which were fought for one reason only - to prevent our country from sliding down the long slippery slope into bureaucratic and administrative totalitarianism.  

It interests me that Gisborne of all places, with its diversity of ethnic and societal statuses should have bred such a journalist - shame on you.

M.Douglas Monks,


The NZH is also in the firing line:


29 November


There's a load of tripe in the Herald today (page A33) from Toby Manhire about 'climate change refugees'.  It needs a few letters to remind people that it was global warming, supposedly causing sea levels to rise, that it was thought might cause inundation problems.  But since there has been no global warming and sea levels have risen only a small amount in line with post-glacial expectations - it's all... bulldust!

I'll send one and suggest a few other 'realists' do the same.  If we get one strike it'd be good.  If they print none of them it just confirms that censorship is alive and well.




Dear Editor

There is nothing new in the prognosis that climate change may cause mass dislocation of hundreds of thousands of people.  In the seventies it was suggested by many 'leading scientists' that it would cause famine and chaos and possibly even war.  The only difference is that then it was based on the prospect of global cooling.

Yours sincerely

John Clements

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Christmas Special offer on Monckton dvds- new titles:


Thanks to Ken Calvert in Invercargill we are able to offer a set of four ‘Lord Monckton’ talks dvds:     


A series of 4 talks  that  Christopher Monckton recorded  in London, Ontario, Canada early last year...

He was interviewed by very sympathetic audiences  and was able to without interruption tell them a lot about his background, his education, his Mathematics  and how he was involved with Margaret Thatcher

And thanks to Evan Ward for his special offer for Climate Realists:

a 4 pack of the DVD’s we did of Lord Christopher Monckton together with the series of 4 talks for $18.00 plus postage.

·         The two hour Presentation in Auckland

·         The Q and A session after the presentation

·         The in-depth Interview with Lord Monckton

And for the second (or more) order of a 4 pack $12.00 plus postage.

These are all available separately for $8.00 each plus postage.

Anyone interested in taking advantage of this offer please email Evan at:  for full details.

Let me know if there are any questions re this,



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Wind farm Noise


Delingpole reprints an entry from the UK Spectator's Matt Ridley Prize by Richard Cox, David Unwin and Trevor Sherman on the scandal that is the wind farm noise issue in the UK.

What is most interesting about the piece is how they unpeel the skulduggery in having ‘pet’ scientists and ‘experts’ conducting ‘studies’ where the outcome is preordained by the terms of reference with the express aim of closing down dissent and discussion.

One would think that your average investigative journo would have a field day. Apparently not. We should all be vigilant for this kind of crap and not stand for it without fighting back.

And here is the Telegraph article about the ‘expert report’ that was nobbled by interference even AFTER the terms of reference were screwed up….

No chance for truth!



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Rodney Hide: Greens’ scary predictions fall flat


I have known Jeanette Fitzsimons for more than 30 years. Back then, she was worrying we were running out of oil and gas...... Her worry used to be that we were running out. Now her worry is that we are finding too much.

It's a total back-flip but her solution remains the same - we must give up the good life and de-industrialise…………..



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The Consensus Fractures, and it’s now all about Money and Power


This from Alistair Pope, sent to leading Australian government politicians. It's a pretty good, succinct account of where we are at:


The Global Warming Scare started when some rich western elites in their deep green bunkers saw it as a way of curbing what they saw as the wasteful and unsustainable life-style of western consumer society (that is, those other people). If they managed this “crisis” properly, they could make great strides in their long-held goals of controlling national and local governments, destroying private property and introducing an unelected elite with access to a world system of taxation and redistribution.

But, voters, consumers and scientists are destroying this green dream…………….



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Josh does a takeoff of the Sks Kidz – cool


I know there are too many you tube clips, but this one, a parody of John Cook and Dana Nuccitelli is a very well made point….



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Humour Spot

This to be one of the funniest and most informative pieces of trivia I have ever read. You really have to read it to the end to get the full extent of what it is about. The best part is that it is all true and historically accurate.


Railroad tracks.

The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number.

Why was that gauge used? Because that's the way they built them in England, and English expatriates designed the US railroads.

Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's the gauge they used.

Why did 'they' use that gauge then? Because the people who built the tramways used the same jigs and tools that they had used for building wagons, which used that wheel spacing.

 Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing? Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England, because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts.

So who built those old rutted roads? Imperial Rome built the first long distance roads in Europe (including England) for their legions. Those roads have been used ever since.

And the ruts in the roads? Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels.

Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome , they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing. Therefore the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot. Bureaucracies live forever.

So the next time you are handed a specification/procedure/process and wonder 'What horse's backside came up with this?', you may be exactly right. Imperial Roman army chariots were made just wide enough to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses. (Two horses' backsides.)

Now, the twist to the story:

When you see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah

The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to the launch site. The railroad line from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the mountains, and the SRBs had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you now know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds.

So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the world's most advanced transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's backside. And you thought being a horse's backside wasn't important? Ancient horse's backsides control almost everything...

This to be one of the funniest and most informative pieces of trivia I have ever read. You really have to read it to the end to get the full extent of what it is about.

The best part is that it is all true and historically accurate.

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